Reward node voting

Dear Leasers,
Every 100k blocks there will be a vote for the amount of reward (waves) per block regarding the proposal WEP-4
Each node can configure their own choice and to give you some insights of these configurations we made the following table for you!
(The table will be updated each day)
>6 = increase the amount of waves per block
-1 = keep the waves per block the same
<6 = decrease the amount of waves per block
WavesAssist itself is voting for 4 waves per block.
This means we vote for a little reduction till we have accomplice the 4 waves per block.
By this we minimize the inflation of the waves token economy and still enough profit for those who want to hold their waves!

You can support our vote by leasing your waves to

WavesAssist (3PEjdMgnR7a48RnZoW8RF8TeEqidue28Wgm)
(the more waves on the node, the more voting power you will have)
Generated by wpDataTables